Lightning Talk: Consistent content: How to win loyal customers and create brand ambassadors

Consistent content: how to win loyal customers and create brand ambassadors.

Content marketing is no longer a new or hot topic – everyone gave it a try in some capacity. For some, it helped their business explode and reach the next level. For others, it felt like they could have spend their time better, and they slowly but surely give up.

It’s no surprise: creating content takes time and costs money. It can take months until you see any results, and even then, you expected more. So why would you then focus on creating content regularly, and how can you do so to make sure it brings you results?

In this talk, you will learn about:

  • companies who grew rapidly thanks to content
  • what makes up a successful piece of content creating a sustainable strategy so you can get the best results with less time investment
  • reaching your target audience with content, from early prospects to loyal customers
  • metrics you will want to monitor to know you’re on track.

The session will be packed with examples, practical tips and resources to help take your organisation to the next level.


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