Scaling effectively with WordPress

There are many misconceptions about WordPress. One of the most common and long enduring misconceptions is that WordPress does not scale well and is only for small sites.

The myth that WordPress does not scale well is what this talk will focus on and debunk. Speaker Chris Brosnan said: “I will discuss how although this assumption is untrue, as with many misconceptions, there is a small grain of truth in this assumption that comes mainly from wider misconceptions about the use of WordPress and its purpose.”

He will go onto explain how with adequate planning and due consideration before, during and after the development of a WordPress project’s lifecycle, you can ensure that your projects scale very well and have the flexibility necessary to add new features without too much scope creep or causing the product to perform poorly.

WordPress is now much more than a CMS and with careful planning, due consideration, avoiding waste and adopting a serious software development mindset to WordPress projects, it is very possible to build a WordPress site that will scale effectively.

Chris will focus on scaling in terms of effective coding standards and structuring the system in a way to scale effectively to minimise bloat and ensure loading times are low while the website grows larger.


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