Lightning Talk: Perspective on working with WordPress

Time Saving Plugins

When we’re developing a website, we all encounter issues and problems. What do we do?

a) Write the code to fix it

b) Pay someone else to fix it

In WordPress there’s an option c – plugins!

WordPress plugins are pieces of software that can be uploaded to your site to extend and expand the functionality of your WordPress site.

If you’ve had a problem or issue, the chances are, someone else had that issue too!

The unique and cool thing about WordPress is; someone comes up with a solution, writes the code to fix it, packages it up as a plugin and makes their solution available to the whole community for free.

Clare McSharry creates websites using WordPress and loves plugins. She regularly gives WordPress training courses and a popular section is her “favourite plugins” section.

Here she shares some of her favourites, and helps us get the most out of them.

