Lightning Talk: How popup libraries emerged with WordPress

Popup Libraries is an artist-led social initiative to create small pop-up libraries in arts organisations, community centres and other non-commercial spaces that are open to the public.

Each small library is built from books donated by the local community and other elements of the libraries are made from recycled materials. In addition to the books, the libraries also have notebooks, pencils, paper and pens to encourage visitors to engage with creating ideas or images inspired by the books.

It started out as a WordPress website featuring news about found popup libraries and featuring a resource section to encourage visitors to start their own library with downloadable pdfs of posters and labels.

The project’s first Popup Library was opened recently at Rua Red Arts Centre in Tallaght, Dublin.

The project was established to inspire creativity, encourage recycling and enhance community spaces.

Graphic designer and photographer Doreen Kennedy will tell the story of how it evolved from a WordPress website, its site structure and how both parts of the project are open source.


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