Raffaella Isidori

Raffaella Isidori

A creative polymath for more than two decades, Raffaella Isidori has been designing, consulting, building brands, optimising the communication for businesses around the world, and producing events.

Her personal story, experience with non profit and open source environments, and passion for sharing her knowledge and values, propelled her towards social entrepreneurship.

Raffaella is currently kickstarting her latest project, Humanise.it, which focuses on creating awareness on mental wellness, diversity and inclusivity and on fostering human skills.

She also studies, teaches, writes, translates, takes pictures, speaks at conferences, coaches professionals on communication and language.

She contributes to a number of Make WordPress teams including Polyglots and Marketing, and was a member of the lead team behind WordPress Translation Day 3 and 4.

Curious as a cat and in love with diversity, Raffaella lives and works in the countryside – surrounded by some flora and lots of fauna. When not working or hatching ideas, she practices mindfulness, cultivates dreams, pushes boundaries, and collects books, fonts, and essential oils. Online, she’s Zetaraffix.

Twitter: @Zetaraffix / Website: RaffaellaIsidori
