Thinking about ergonomics

Speaker: Abha Thakor

Start Time: 10:20am

As tech people we spend hours leaning over laptops and mobile devices, peering into screens and moving between pieces of equipment in a fast-paced environment.

How often do we look at the potential damage we are doing to our hands, backs and other parts of our body from bad ergonomics and from not looking after our wellbeing in our work?

Abha Thakor will run this session helping us to look after our hands and improve our posture when working with computers and mobile devices. She will share tips on ways of reducing difficulties and potential damage, and how you can plan your working environment to be healthier for you.

This session is part of our focus on Digital Citizenship and how the WordPress community can share insights with each other and support long term involvement and work in tech.

  • Abha Thakor

    Avatar of Abha Thakor
