Bringing 2FA with the Web Authentication API to WordPress

Making authentication as safe yet frictionless as possible is a delicate challenge. Existing solutions like backup codes, email login links, SMS codes or security keys haven’t always worked across devices or browsers or use cases.

Luckily, the Web Authentication API aims to provide developers with a unified way to work with fingerprint sensors, security keys and the like on the basis of a standardised web API.

In this talk we will explore this new API, look at a few use cases like 2FA and password-less authentication and close with a look at how this API could benefit WordPress developers and users as well through the 2FA feature project.

How to secure your WordPress website

If you use a security plugin to make your site secure, you’re in the good path. However, there is more than the plugin installation to truly secure your site. From the beginner user to the expert one, this session has you covered on some of the ways to avoid being hacked and compromising your online presence.

Cleaning up a hacked WordPress site

In this talk Kayleigh will explain the cleanup process that happens when someone reports a hacked site at her workplace at She will cover the best cleanup process they have found.

She will also talk about how to spot if a site is hacked, the types of hacks commonly seen, and prevention steps for the future.