Accelerated Mobile Pages on WordPress: why and how?

Initially a Google project, started in october 2015, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) has now grown into a set of open source technologies used by most search engines (Google, Bing, Baidu), and many other large companies (Twitter, Ebay, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Feedly, …) to display an alternate version of content to visitors when they are on a mobile device. AMP pages are standard HTML pages that follow a set of rules and optimized javascript to make them extremely fast on mobile devices. They can be created automatically from any WordPress site using a variety of plugins.

– Pretty much any type of site can benefit from enabling AMP pages: blogs, news site, recipes, e-commerce, directories, etc
– Having AMP on your site is probably an SEO must in 2017
– AMP opens the door to Progressive Web Apps
– Although adding AMP pages to your site can be as simple as activating a single plugin, this is unlikely to give good results and can even have negative effects.

During this talk, we will go quickly through how AMP works, why and if you should add it to your site, and very importantly the dos and don’ts of a successful AMP implementation.


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