So we heard you’re going to WordCamp Dublin 2017!
Excellent 🙂
Well, here are some tips to help you make the most of the event. One of the very best things about WordPress is its vibrant local and international community of developers, designers and bloggers. There are so many ways to be a part of it!
Let’s get started:
- Make sure you travel light! Tracks are fully recorded, slides will be available and don’t forget to leave some space for the swag!
- Challenge yourself to meet at least 10 new people – there will be time around meals, in the area outside the sessions, at the afterparty… Or just sit next to someone you don’t know and introduce yourself!
- Don’t be shy and ask lots of questions during the Q&A sessions! If you have a question about something, chances are that others do too. Or, if you have another solution to doing something, offer your ideas for discussion.
Consider volunteering to get more of an inside view of what goes into a WordCamp – and/orbe sure to thank a volunteer for the awesome work!- Did you find a talk especially valuable? Tell the speaker. They’ll be delighted 🙂
Or maybe, you want to speak? You might still be on time!Check the schedule here- Don’t lose your attendee badge! Your WordCamp attendee badge is your admission to the conference, food and afterparty!
- Tweet the heck out of it – use #WCDUB and share your photos (tweets with images = lots of RTs and likes!)
- Don’t forget to have fun – because that’s what WordCamps are for
- And don’t forget we’re in Ireland! Sure, look, WCDublin is going to be a lot of craic, so get ready for
Wish to add anything? Let us know in the comments!